Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Of course I'll tell you I hate you.
And you'll say you hate me more.
And then, we laugh.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Grow Up

You can still cry.
But remember that,
When you look at the mirror,
You're shoulders weigh more than then.


Cherish me if you will,
But don't you smother me.

Care for me then,
But don't cloak me with your vanity.

I will love you.
But I won't control you.

So cherish me as I will,
But let me stand on my feet.

When that time comes...

Someday, when I marry, I therefore say that I won't settle only for the marriage of the hearts and of the bodies, but furthermore, I would want my marriage to also be of the souls, as well as the minds.