Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Soul of a Battered Heart

(04 August 2004)

Once, I dreamed of being as powerful as an eagle;
As brave and persistent as a lion
But now, all of it was shattered
Embedded in the darkest part of my life
Battering my willow heart with every piece.

I can't stop my damsel heart from shivering
Crying all its pain and suffering
Reflecting every gloomy part of my heart
Revealing the loneliness stocked inside
I tried to hide it, but I just can't stop.

Now I know that I can never be strong enough
'Cause I know my soul is just too ashamed
To show in front of everyone.
Afraid that I might be hurt one more time
That will lead to the death of my time.

L kenshin 'o7

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